Proof of Concepts
AVL Dashboard
AVL is the world's leading independent engineering company for established and future powertrain systems.
Key Goal & Timeline
Create an easy dashboard to test power trains.
1 week
Visual Design
Monterey Ray Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium is a nonprofit public aquarium located in Monterey, California.
Key Goal & Timeline
Create an interactive map to track seafood and plastic in the oceans over time for their Seafood Watch program.
1 week
Click image to see prototype.
Monterey Ray Bay Aquarium
The idea was to click on a tab (All Seafood, Cod Tuna, Shark, Plastic, Ocean Health) and then move the slider (1817 ~ 2117) to the desired year and see the amount of fish or plastic that was or will be in the ocean for that year.